疲労回復の音楽~ 免疫力アップ 痛みを和らげる効果[頭痛・腰痛・肩こり・生理痛などの痛みに] ❂5
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AII great wonderful music
Godspeed Sleep-Relaxing-Healing music
Godspeed Sleep-Relaxing-Healing musicは、
眠れない時に聞く音楽,寝れない時に聞く音楽,睡眠用音楽,よく寝れる音楽,眠たくなる音楽,眠くなる音楽,熟睡できる音楽,自律神経を整える音楽、作業用BGM, リラックスBGM,睡眠用,BGM,熟睡,安眠,ストレス解消,疲労回復,ヒーリング効果,リラックス音楽、瞑想音楽、睡眠音楽、ヒーリング音楽、レイキヒーリング音楽、禅音楽、スパ音楽、ヨガ音楽、昇華音楽、マッサージ音楽、ポジティブエネルギー,などの音楽を弊社がオリジナルで制作しています。
Thank you for watching!
Godspeed Sleep-Relaxing-Healing music
Music to listen when not sleeping, music to listen when not sleeping, sleeping music, sleeping music, sleepy music, sleepy music, sleepy music, sounds that can sleep, autonomic nervous music, working BGM, relaxing BGM, sleeping, BGM , Sleep, sleep, stress relief, fatigue recovery, healing effect, relaxation music, meditation music, sleep music, healing music, Reiki healing music, Zen music, spa music, yoga music, sublimation music, massage music, positive energy I'm making music original.
Your life will be improved in a good way by listening to this music, words or words emanating from your mouth, words of mind or body language (body language) will be good words and your life will be better I hope it will be.
【重要事項 注意してください】 Important Please be careful
Since the sound source in the movie contains complete original songs, in the case of reprinting or partially using my work
It becomes a copyright infringement and it becomes a legal violation.
All channels that have permanently reprinted my work in the past are either permanent account suspension or account deletion.
* Copying of the movie itself without permission (copy) or modification (some use is also prohibited) is prohibited.
Re-uploading the data itself is forbidden on all websites.